Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Liveblogging the Conference Call with Proponents of Amendment 48

7:00 Open with prayer

7:08 Kristi states that the No on 48 campaign won't recognize when a person gets legal rights. For the record: people get voting rights when they are 18, they get other rights when they are 16, Social Security at various times in life, many rights upon birth, etc. Not everyone has equal rights all the time.

Kristi tries to put down the No on 48 campaign. She complains that financial reports show that Planned Parenthood, who works to reduce abortions by empowering people, is the campaign's biggest financial backer. Then she struggles to slander the campaign by claiming No on 48 tries to hide our financial records but of course, its all online. You can see that we aren't hiding anything. She is completely making stuff up.

7:13 Four major donors to the proponents of 48 are individuals? I will have to report on that after the call. I can guess that they have a history.

7:20 Woman claims that she is shocked that Colorado's anti-abortion community only now took on abortion with 48 when in fact they targeted CO because of the low requirements we have to get something on our ballot. which is why we have such a crowded ballot.

7:26 They mention Amendment2 (LOL) from 1992 which in Colorado prevented equal rights for gays. The proponents are "encouraged by the Colorado passing" of this radical amendment that was eventually overturned because of its unconstitutionality. It is well documented that the reason this passed was because of its confusing language. The proponents preyed on keeping people ignorant-- that is there only strategy???

7:34 Eduardo who is one of the featured speakers just apologized for interrupting??? I dont get it. Eduardo just got back from campaigning for John McCain who they think is pro-life. For the record: John McCain is not pro-life. Eduardo "if you arent' willing ot die for a cause, life is not worth living." OMG

Eduardo from "Bella"

7:41 "The teevee ads are teh most effective tool." If by tool they mean it in a derogatory sense, then yes, their ads are "tools".

And you can see them in my post below as well.

7:45 Another prayer about how much money they need to fulfill their unholy mission.

7:55 Final recommendations from their listeners to make this pass: pray to God for His blessing.

Kristi's final word: "I would just like to thank everyone... I had an idea that God has laid on my heart... God is with us."

8:01 Closing prayer

This was overall a boring call. Simply a commercial punctuated by falsehoods typically perpetrated by such an extreme group. I will post more evidence against their claims here and at and Please follow us on twitter and sign up for email updates and other info at

I will post a recording of the commercial tomorrow here so you can hear for yourself.

You can donate to stop this sneaky amendment at our actblue page.

Thanks for your support and let's go beat this thing!

Update 10/16 Here is the recording.

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