I will post the end result here but please participate over there.
Caplis and Silverman is commonly compared to Fox's Hannity and Colmes. We'll see what happens.
I will be blogging the debate between Crystal Clinkenbeard of No on 48 and Dan Caplis and Kristi Burton.
Please refresh your browser every couple of minutes and don't forget to look below the fold.
Its Crystal versus the others on this because Caplis was a Democrat before he became a Republican. The reason he became a Republican is because of the "life" issue. I think we know what to expect from Colorado's version of Hannity and Colmes.
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I'm sooo excited n stuff.
You can listen online here
3:07 "Kristi Burton, one of the most impressive people" ... I think we know where this is headed.
"she has conducted herself well." no, not really.
3:24 sorry, its just been commercials, commercials, commercials.
3:44 this is torture. The debate has yet to start.
4:03 While we are waiting, I see that there is a call to No on 48 supporters to organize in the final days before the election. Please check out the schedule of events at Protect Families, Protect Choice.
Any minute now...
4:07 Caplis "Kristi can be whatever she wants.. czar of teh universe if she wants... I have a deep bias on this,".. he is very anti-choice.
Kristi lied about where her law school is. Its an online law school, not in California. Be honest Kristi, you have to denounce science to go there. You don't get to use "science" to defend your sneaky amendment to outlaw abortion.
Crystal Clinkenbeard "48 does nothing to dissolve the social issues around abortion... there is no medical or scientific consensus about when a human life begins... there are many groups against amendment 48..."
Caplis goes on the attack: "Do you believe that legal protection should apply at the moment life begins? I think you get most of your Planned Parenthood.. PP makes millions and millions and millions of dollars killing babies."
FACT: Federal and state law prevent ANY funds from going to abortion services. PP makes sure women have the tools to empower themselves about their human and reproductive rights. PP is a non-profit that has to invest the money it makes back into providing the services it provides, it is not a for-profit company.
4:23 Silverman is talking about Kristi's shoe size.
4:27 Burton "we (science) know today what we didn't know 30 years ago (roe v wade)... science is "conclusive" about when life begins."
That is patently not true.
Silverman is making horrible arguments, not related to the effects of 48. I write in disbelief. The dinosaur medium in its final throes.
Kristi in regard to the catholics who are against this: "the archdiocese has not taken a stance on this." This is not true:
Colorado’s Catholic bishops do not support
this amendment because of problems with its strategy outlined previously through the
Colorado Catholic Conference.
KB cites MLK jr. as being in support of 48. hmmm...
Caplis is calling medical opinion, "opinion".. like that somehow negates it.
LOL Caplis is calling PP extremists! LOL
4:48 This is exceedingly difficult to make heads or tails of. Kristi Burton and the hosts are attacking Crystal and won't let her answer the way she sees fit. How can you make your point when the cards are stacked against you?
Here are some stats on when PPRM will perform an abortion for choice: PPRM will perform them up until 17 weeks, 6 days at one location in Colo Spgs. Dr. Hearn will perform abortions for choice up until 25 weeks, he will do them until pregnancy is done in cases to protect the woman's health or for developmental anomalies.
Here is a great source of info about what Caplis is really about, how he is biased, how he is extreme.
Silverman is really of no help either. He he demonstrates minimal understanding of this basic human rights issue.
Overall, the bias expressed against the opponents of 48 was not unexpected. Anyone who knows anything about Caplis and Silverman knows that they are the Hannity and Colmes of Colorado talk radio. I commend Crystal for her strength and stamina in the face of an opposing force who gets to control the conversation.
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