Friday, October 24, 2008

"Eggmendment" Goes National and Helps Turn Out The Democratic Vote!

As the blogger for the No on 48 campaign, I am constantly barraged with google alerts for the terms I have chosen to keep me informed of the online activity related to the campaign. This morning I got a hit for "eggmendment," kindly coined by squarestate's own Aaron Silverstein.

The Guardian UK did a piece on the "eggmendment" and includes some insightful comments about the perceived legal ramifications of 48 passing. Featured in the piece are some very smart people over at squarestate who point out that the abortion issue, for which many people consider this their “single-issue” will end up boosting the Democratic turnout in Colorado, a swingstate this year.

Also over at HuffPo, Christina Page (I command you to create an account there and become her fan), has a new post entitled “The Extreme Team Behind Amendment 48.”

From the Article:
The creators of Amendment 48 have been coy since the start. They haven't fully explained the implications of their plan and with good reason—it's extreme… Ms. Burton knows full well that the only purpose to granting a fertilized egg full human rights is to target the right to birth control, IVF and stem cell research. If it were simply about targeting the right to an abortion, then Amendment 48 would have attempted to define life as starting at the moment a pregnancy begins and not before, as Amendment 48 does.

The groups supporting Amendment 48, as listed on the Personhood Colorado website, represent the most extreme wing of the right to life movement. These groups and individuals lead campaigns against contraceptive access. They don't believe that individuals should decide what's best for themselves according to their values. For example, the American Life League hopes to ban contraception entirely and this year launched a campaign called "The Pill Kills." Its purpose was to confuse the public into thinking the most common and effective forms of birth control, like the birth control pill, cause abortion.

This is very powerful stuff. People need to know who is backing this. The vast majority of people in this country know that contraception is totally relevant. People (likely including most of the .02% of Coloradoans who signed the petition to get this on the ballot) do not know what the real purpose of this amendment is. This amendment does nothing to "protect life".

When people truly ponder the real and infinitely varied situations surrounding birth control that every single family in the world deals with, it is impossible to justify this amendment.

Vote No on 48.

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